Bureau of Military History 1913-1921 II

Please see the first post on this subject for context and an explanation of the Bureau of Military History.

Valentine Jackson was a member of the IRB in the years before the 1916 Rising.[1] He outlines how he had vague recollections of a man by the name of Buggy being a member of the central board of the Irish Republican Brotherhood. This man obviously did not make an impression on Valentine as he further adds that “Buggy…for instance disappeared early.”[2] This person could be the James Buggy that former Irish President Sean T O’Kelly talks about in his witness statement, when discussing the members of the Supreme Council of the IRB.

James Brennan was a captain in the Third Battalion Kilkenny Brigade of the Irish Volunteers from 1914.-1921.[3] One of the safe houses used by the Volunteers was that of Dick Buggy who lived at Gortnahile [presumably Gortahile, in Laois, on the border with Kilkenny to the east of Castlecomer].[4]

[1]Jackson, Valentine. Bureau of Military History Document No. WS409, Bureau of Military History,  http://www.bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie/reels/bmh/BMH.WS0409.pdf : accessed 8 August 2012

[2] Ibid p.8

[3] Brennan, James. Bureau of Military History Document No. WS1102, Bureau of Military History,  http://www.bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie/reels/bmh/BMH.WS1102.pdf#page=7 : accessed 13 August 2012

[4] Ibid. p.6

O’Kelly, Sean T. Bureau of Military History Document No. WS1765, Bureau of Military History,  http://www.bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie/reels/bmh/BMH.WS1765%20PART%201.pdf#page=45 : accessed 13 August 2012, p.41

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